Client: Personal Project
Description: Submission for Illustration Friday website, for the topic of "Intricate." Actually, for this illustration, there are two versions that I considered using: The colored one above, and the black and white one featured below. While I thought the black and white one might better highlight the "intricate" part of the picture, I ultimately went with the colorful one, who's pallete was inspired by a photo of dyes in India.

Let me know which you prefer!
Nice work! I really like the liveliness of the colored version.
I prefer the b&w one myself - highlights the design on the arm more.
The colored one is so pretty. I think the composition draws your eye into the arm designs whether the colors are there or not, so I prefer the first one.
So, we are at 2 to 1 for the color version, so far! :)
Thanks for all the feedback and compliments everyone! I really appreciate them!
These are both gorgeous. I really like your use of the shadow and also the colored contour lines. Stunning work.
nice! I like the black & white with the henna tat color highlight.
Looks good General! I passed your site along to a designer dude I know. When are we going to play Move!Fight!Move!?
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