Client: Personal Project
Description: Submission for Illustration Friday website, for the topic of "Legendary."
I originally decided to start doing Illustration Friday as a way to avoid just always drawing pictures of knights and ninjas. So, when "Legendary" came up as this weeks word, I have to admit I was a little flustered. In the end, I decided to go with a more modern legendary figure. This also allowed me to tackle another personal illustration fear: Drawing Motorcycles.
Overall, I like how this turned out, though I may pick up this drawing again and work on it some more before adding it to my portfolio, since I ended up being a little rushed for time.
Way to go, I like it! I think you've picked a great color palette and some great line movement -- I say, if you rework it, that motorcycle needs some beefy manly wheels.. girls like them ;)
Great job!
Great take on the topic. Very nicely done and I love the your style.
Wow this is really cool! I love the background, colors and style. Awesome job!
Reminds me of 1970’s cartoons. Top work!
Thanks everyone for the feedback!
JGoode, you're right... those wheels aren't very manly. If Eval's ever going to impress the ladies, I'm going to have to fix that.
It's cool that you tackled something you're not necessarily comfortable with- and that it came out looking as good as it does. Definite kudos (from someone else who doesn't draw motorcycles except under duress).
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